Slender Salamanders (Batrachoseps)
Created: February 10th, 2010 - 05:48 PM
Last Modified: January 20th, 2015 - 02:48 AM Entered by: Jeff Teel
Record 38113
Last Modified: January 20th, 2015 - 02:48 AM Entered by: Jeff Teel
Record 38113
Country: Mexico |
State: Baja California (norte) |
County: Ensenada |
Time: 2009-05-02 00:00:00 |
Qty: 1 |
Age: Adult |
Sex: -- |
Method: Log flipping |
Habitat: Coniferous |
Body Temperature: ----- |
Air Temperature: ----- |
Ground Temperature: ----- |
Humidity: ----- |
Sky Conditions: Clear |
Moon Phase: ----- |
Elevation: 8300.00ft |
Barometric Pressure: ----- |
Jose Acosta found this slender inside a log at just over 8300ft in the Sierra San Pedro Martir Nat'l Parque. This is being described as a new batrachoseps species in the near future. This was not the first one found nor is the describing of a new species being done due to this find.
Yes, as in the same as B.major. I have never found them above 3300-3500ft in the San Bernardino Mtns.
By "nothing different", I assume you mean that it's B. major?
And yeah, definitely very cool that high up. Like you said, I'm pretty sure they're never found above 4000 ft in the San Bernardinos, and not above 6700 anywhere in California.
Jonathan, as far as I know, I think the test came back as nothing different. Ask Bob Hansen, I'm pretty sure he told me that was what happened though. Either way, was still pretty cool to find that high up.
Any update on the progress?
No Brian, there were others found before ours, just in a different location up there. Bob Hansen was the one who told me about them and that they were being described as a new Ssp., I would have to go look in my e-mails for the girls name who is doing it. But they-(Bob included) found 3 of them I believe. It was cool looking, almost pure deep black and girthy. We kept looking through wood for the hopes of an ensatina, I was thinking we were way too high for a I have never found any in the San Bernardinos over 4000ft elevation level. I know Joe talked to Lee Grismer about it too, I forget if Grismer told him if he found any up there either or not. We were in El Rosario in feb. of 2011 hoping to see some too, but conditions were way too hot I think for any, and we didn't really put great effort in to target in on where they should be.
Really this is such a cool find. Is this one the first ever found?
It does look different from B. major and that high altitude is amazing.
Your entries are getting good, notes, elevation, habitat, etc.. Were you guys the first to find it? Very Cool Find...