Red Diamond Rattlesnake (Crotalus ruber)
Created: January 28th, 2010 - 06:18 PM
Last Modified: October 17th, 2013 - 01:43 AM Entered by: Will Flaxington
Record 37178
Last Modified: October 17th, 2013 - 01:43 AM Entered by: Will Flaxington
Record 37178
Country: Mexico |
State: Baja California (norte) |
County: Ensenada |
Time: 1998-04-08 00:00:00 |
Qty: 1 |
Age: Adult |
Sex: -- |
Method: Visual encounter |
Habitat: Creosote Bush Desert |
Body Temperature: ----- |
Air Temperature: ----- |
Ground Temperature: ----- |
Humidity: ----- |
Sky Conditions: ----- |
Moon Phase: ----- |
Elevation: 650.00ft |
Barometric Pressure: ----- |
Snake was surprised as it basked on mule trail in canyon wash. When approached it rattled violently to make explorers aware of its presence. The rattler boldly stood its ground, then slowly crept into nearby vegetation while continuously rattling. Pinkish in color with a distinct black and white banded tail located just prior to rattles.
Entered by Jonathan Hakim & Will Flaxington