Western Side-blotched Lizard (Uta stansburiana elegans)
Created: April 14th, 2009 - 11:23 PM
Last Modified: January 28th, 2010 - 11:45 AM Entered by: Jonathan Hakim
Record 23832
Last Modified: January 28th, 2010 - 11:45 AM Entered by: Jonathan Hakim
Record 23832
Country: United States |
State: California |
County: San Diego County |
Time: 2009-04-12 11:25:00 |
Qty: 2 |
Age: Adult |
Sex: -- |
Method: Artificial cover flipping |
Habitat: scrub desert |
Body Temperature: ----- |
Air Temperature: ----- |
Ground Temperature: ----- |
Humidity: ----- |
Sky Conditions: Cloudy |
Moon Phase: ----- |
Elevation: 3295.00ft |
Barometric Pressure: ----- |
Five flipped under same hay-bundle as the previous day - only two vouchered. One was recently dead with its head crushed, which was strange because the hay and other nearby objects were far too light to crush a lizards head - an intentional stomping? If so, it was odd that it would be left under the cover. Forgot to voucher the dead one.