Prairie Rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis viridis)
Created: July 15th, 2008 - 01:10 AM
Last Modified: November 30th, 2009 - 11:19 AM Entered by: thomas britton
Record 17087
Last Modified: November 30th, 2009 - 11:19 AM Entered by: thomas britton
Record 17087
Country: United States |
State: Colorado |
County: Fremont County |
Time: 2008-07-14 21:04:00 |
Qty: 1 |
Age: Sub-Adult |
Sex: Female |
Method: |
Habitat: ----- |
Body Temperature: ----- |
Air Temperature: ----- |
Ground Temperature: ----- |
Humidity: ----- |
Sky Conditions: ----- |
Moon Phase: ----- |
Elevation: ----- |
Barometric Pressure: ----- |
Snake was basking on road. Sky was cloudy, and there was a storm in the distance. Snake was non-aggressive.